Three Talents Investments . Faith
Three Talents Investments LLC
(937) 315-8011
This Site is being rehabbed and dedicated to The Love of GOD; and America is the most Blessed Nation in the History of the World!!!
We are Blessed to be an American-EntrepreneurS; we have Real Estate Solutions for Sellers, Investment Property Buyers, and Investors; in our Great-Country of America near New Carlisle, OH.
Three Talents Investments LLC Seeks to work together with Contractors, Home-Sellers, Insurances, Title Companies, other Real Estate Investors, Realtors, and specialize in Praising GOD!
We here at Three Talents Investments LLC Praise GOD; if we win; and We here at Three Talents Investments LLC Praise GOD if we lose!
We buy, fix, and sell OH real estate to improve our communities and help local investors participate in the real estate market right alongside us.
We; The U.S.; us should consider turning to GOD; or find ourselves on the out side looking in.
We Promote The WORD of GOD; GOD’S WORD; What we know GOD has said unto us.
We Present a Bible Account not to overlook.
Jesus goes to Jerusalem; The SON Obeys THE FATHER; an event which Opens the door for Fallen-Evil-Man-and his-kind to be Redeemed!
Have You Asked GOD; that Sent JESUS; WHO Sends THE HOLY SPIRT; that GOD’s Grace may Abound; via THE WORD of GOD; Which Reads; THE LAMB of GOD, WHO Takes the Penalty of Sin Away; that You-Sinful-Forgetful-Man-and-his-kind Can Have Redemption; THE SON of GOD; WHO Went a Horrible Death on a Cross; so You can Have a Personal Relationship w/ Him; to forgive and Save and be LORD-of-your-Life?
Do it Today; Do it Now while GOD’s WORD is near!
Confess Jesus as Savor and Lord and live Obeying GOD's HOLY SPIRIT's Dircetion